Pip Marlow, CEO, advocate for equity & inclusion for all

This time our guest is Pip Marlow, CEO, mother of warrior daughters, advocate for equity and inclusion for all, and a woman who is making her dad proud every day.

Annie and I had a wide-ranging conversation with Pip that included daughters, dogs, surprises from new jobs, how netball became a way to share an empowering message about women, and how we can make inclusion and diversity real for everyone.

Here is the link to the video we discussed: “Get ready for Australia’s most powerful and supportive sporting team. A team of teenage champions with one goal on their mind: to keep more girls in the game. Please welcome, Suncorp Team Girls.”

Pip Marlow is Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce Australia and New Zealand. In this role, Pip is responsible for ensuring Salesforce delivers on its values of trust, customer success, innovation and equality for both our customers and our community across Australia and New Zealand.

Prior to Salesforce, Pip was Chief Executive Officer Customer Marketplace at Suncorp, where she was responsible for driving customer focus into all aspects of Suncorp’s business including strategy, customer care, partnerships and innovative solutions that add value for customers. Prior to joining Suncorp in 2016, Pip was at Microsoft for 21 years where she held a number of roles for them in Australia and the USA. This culminated in her role as the Managing Director of Microsoft Australia for 6 years.

Pip is also a non-executive director of the Rugby Australia (ARU), sits on the Vice-Chancellor’s Advisory Board at UTS,  is a member of Chief Executive Women (CEW), and is an Executive Ally for Pride Diversity. She is a passionate advocate for flexible and diverse workplaces that empower people. Born and  raised in New Zealand, Pip lives in Sydney with her Scottish husband and her two American born daughters, Sophie and Lucy.

Follow her on Twitter @pipms.

Picture of Pip from Women’s Agenda

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