Associate Professor Gemma Carey – researcher, academic, and author

This time our guest is Dr Gemma Carey. She is a researcher, academic, associate professor, and author. We had a fascinating discussion with Gemma about how lives are messy and complex, and how we can find a way through.

Annie and I are going to adopt one of Gemma’s sayings – “There is no judging in 2020” – as our 2020 mantra.

Her new book is out now: ‘No Matter Our Wreckage is a brutal reminder of our responsibility to notice and protect those we love. A devastating and clear-eyed memoir with a poet’s voice. Gemma Carey will boil your blood and break your heart.’ – Anna Spargo-Ryan, author of The Gulf

Gemma is an author and researcher.

Her writing has appeared in The Guardian, Meanjin, Under The Gumtree, and The Canberra Times amongst other outlets. She has featured on ABC Radio and NPR.

As a writer, Gemma’s goal is to capture hard life experiences – grief, loss and trauma – and spin them into something beautiful so that others can see their own experiences reflected back to them and people who haven’t experienced such things can learn.

Gemma is an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales, where she is the Research Director for the Centre for Social Impact. Her academic work focuses on health and social inequalities.

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